API Documentation for Enterprise Data Service
This API allows you to retrieve and manage enterprise information. You must create a bearer token via the settings page to access the API. Include this token in the header of all API requests.
Base URL
The API is accessible at https://jaarrekening.be/api/v1/
Authenticate requests by including your bearer token in the header:
Authorization: Bearer {your_bearer_token_here}
1. List Enterprises
GET /enterprises
Retrieves a list of enterprises, optionally filtered by a name or VAT number search term.
GET /enterprises?search=Elec
Example request to retrieve enterprises filtered by the name "Elec".
"data": [
"slug": "electrabel-green-projects-flanders",
"number": "0465.399.763",
"start_date": "1999-02-05T00:00:00.000000Z",
"municipality_nl": "Brussel",
"municipality_fr": "Bruxelles",
"street_nl": "Simon Bolivarlaan",
"street_fr": "Boulevard Simon Bolivar",
"house_number": "36",
"contact": [
"code": "ENT",
"type": "WEB",
"value": "www.engie.com"
"slug": "electrabel-seanergy",
"number": "0479.612.837",
"start_date": "2003-02-21T00:00:00.000000Z",
"municipality_nl": "Brussel",
"municipality_fr": "Bruxelles",
"street_nl": "Simon Bolivarlaan",
"street_fr": "Boulevard Simon Bolivar",
"house_number": "34",
"contact": [
"code": "ENT",
"type": "WEB",
"value": "www.engie.com"
"links": {
"first": "https:\/\/jaarrekening.be\/api\/v1\/enterprises?page=1",
"last": null,
"prev": null,
"next": null
"meta": {
"current_page": 1,
"from": 1,
"path": "https:\/\/jaarrekening.be\/api\/v1\/enterprises",
"per_page": 15,
"to": 7
2. Get Enterprise Details
GET /enterprises/{search}
Retrieves detailed information about a specific enterprise by name or VAT number. This endpoint also allows for the optional inclusion of annual reports associated with the enterprise.
- annualReports (optional, boolean): Set to
to include annual reports in the response. - years (optional, string): A comma-separated list of years to specifically
filter the annual reports. If not specified and
is true, all available annual reports will be included.
GET /enterprises/0403.170.701?annualReports=true&years=2019,2020
Example request to retrieve enterprise details along with annual reports for the years 2019 and 2020.
"data": {
"slug": "electrabel",
"name": "ELECTRABEL",
"number": "0403.170.701",
"start_date": "1905-08-08T00:00:00.000000Z",
"municipality_nl": "Brussel",
"municipality_fr": "Bruxelles",
"street_nl": "Simon Bolivarlaan",
"street_fr": "Boulevard Simon Bolivar",
"house_number": "36",
"contact": [
"code": "ENT",
"type": "WEB",
"value": "www.engie.com"
"annualReports": [
"year": 2019,
"numbers": {
"financial_period": {
"fixed_assets_formation_expenses_excluded": "46441927508.86",
"intangible_fixed_assets": "850239292.05"
"previous_financial_period": []
"directors": {
"year": 2019,
"individuals": [
"address": "Boulevard Jean Jaur\u00e8s 3",
"representative": null,
"firstName": "Isabelle",
"lastName": "Kocher",
"mandateStartDate": "2016-04-26",
"mandateEndDate": "2019-10-03",
"position": "Director"
"entities": [],
"auditors": []
"participations": {
"year": 2019,
"items": [
"identifier": "BE0664799495",
"nature": "Sociale Aandelen",
"sharesNumber": "39997",
"sharesPercentage": "0.9999",
"specification": null
The API uses standard HTTP status codes for request outcomes. E.g., 200 OK for success, 429 Too Many Requests for rate limits.
Contact our support team via [email protected].