What does Lablanc do?
- Lablanc specializes in providing high-quality cleaning and maintenance services for various industries. The company focuses on using eco-friendly products and innovative techniques to ensure a safe and healthy environment for clients. With a commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction, Lablanc aims to exceed client expectations in every project.
Company number
- Rue de Saint-Donat 58 Mettet 5640
Founding date
- Founded in 16-06-2023
Juridical situation
- Normale toestand
Juridical form
- Besloten Vennootschap
Type of enterprise
- Rechtspersoon
Very high risk
High risk
Low risk
Very low risk
Financial ratios | 2023 |
Equity |
Profit |
Gross margin |
Debt |
Cash |
All directorsActivities according to NACEBEL codes
VAT Activities
Social Security Activities
Publications 2
All publicationsSimilar companies
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The VAT number of Lablanc is BE0802.835.148.
Lablanc was founded in 16-06-2023.
The official address of Lablanc is Rue de Saint-Donat 58 Mettet 5640 .
The juridical form of Lablanc is Besloten Vennootschap.
The legal situation of Lablanc is Normale toestand.
The annual revenue of Lablanc is €0.
Lablanc specializes in providing high-quality cleaning and maintenance services for various industries. The company focuses on using eco-friendly products and innovative techniques to ensure a safe and healthy environment for clients. With a commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction, Lablanc aims to exceed client expectations in every project.
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