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Analyse financial situations of companies

Find out the financial situation of potential customers, suppliers or business partners by consulting official information and key figures.

With official sources

FOD Justitie


Make it easy on yourself

We offer applications to make your financial analysis smoother.

Look up VAT number

Search for companies by their name, address or VAT number.

Financial statement lookup

Search directly for a specific year's financial statements.

Person search

Search for individuals and their holdings in companies.

Financial analysis

Search extensively with various filters such as location, activity or year for companies and compare their key financial figures.


Choose which companies you want to receive notifications from to always be aware of new updates or publications.


Create lists and choose which companies to add. Analyze your own lists to make important decisions.


Search for companies and individuals

Find Belgian companies and their directors quickly and efficiently with our advanced search feature. Use filters such as city, activity, or company name to discover specific businesses and individuals.

Explore in-depth information about enterprises. Discover their financial history, management structure, latest publications, and other vital business data for comprehensive analysis.
Find detailed profiles of individual directors. Discover their involvement in different companies, their roles in these organizations, and their investment history for a complete picture of their business activities.
Advanced search
Utilize extensive search filters to identify potential clients or partners. Filter by financial performance, business activities, or geographical location for targeted and effective search results.
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Find connections between people and companies

Discover the hidden networks and relationships between people and companies with our innovative Spiderweb tool. Visualize the connections and spheres of influence within the business world, and gain a clear picture of how individuals and organizations are interconnected.

Board memberships
Discover the board memberships of individuals in various companies. Gain insight into their roles and responsibilities within the business world and how these positions influence their business networks.
View the shareholder structures and explore who the key shareholders are in companies. Analyze how shareholdings influence business dynamics and decision-making.
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Get notifications on new publications

Stay always informed with real-time updates. Follow companies and individuals and receive automatic notifications on new financial statements, State Gazette publications, or changes in board memberships, so you never miss important information about the entities that matter to you.

Financial statements
Receive notifications as soon as new financial statement of followed companies are published. Keep a close eye on the financial health of these enterprises.
State gazette publications
Be the first to know about new publications in the State Gazette related to your followed entities. Stay informed about official announcements and changes.
Changes in mandates
Get immediate updates on changes in board memberships at the companies and individuals you follow. Track the dynamics of leadership and board changes closely.
Product screenshot


Create your own lists of companies

Personalize your experience by creating your own lists. Select and organize companies based on your criteria and needs. Generate customized reports from these lists, which you can export and share for efficient business management and analysis.

List management
Manage and organize your lists with ease. Add new companies, remove them, or adjust your lists to your business requirements and preferences.
Report generation
Generate detailed reports from your lists, including financial statements, management structures, and more. Use these reports for in-depth analysis or share them with your team or stakeholders.
Export and share
Export your lists and reports in various formats, such as PDF or Excel, for easy distribution. Share valuable insights and data with colleagues or business partners with just a few clicks.
Product screenshot

Data you can rely on

Official company data such as their financial statements and publications are automatically stored and visible in this application.

Financial statements

Klaar om te starten?

Find out the financial situation of potential customers, suppliers or business partners by consulting official information and key figures.

App screenshot