What does SYENSQO do?
- SYENSQO specializes in developing innovative technological solutions for the healthcare industry. The company focuses on creating software and hardware that enhance patient care and streamline medical processes. Its products are designed to improve efficiency and ensure better health outcomes through advanced data analytics and automation.
Company number
- Raketstraat 98 Brussel 1130
Founding date
- Founded in 27-02-2023
Juridical situation
- Normale toestand
Juridical form
- Naamloze vennootschap
Type of enterprise
- Rechtspersoon
Very high risk
High risk
Low risk
Very low risk
Financial ratios | 2023 |
Equity |
Turnover |
Profit |
Debt |
Cash |
Employees |
All directorsActivities according to NACEBEL codes
VAT Activities
Social Security Activities
Publications 13
All publicationsSimilar companies
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The VAT number of SYENSQO is BE0798.896.453.
In 2023, SYENSQO employed 349.20 full-time equivalents (FTE).
SYENSQO was founded in 27-02-2023.
The official address of SYENSQO is Raketstraat 98 Brussel 1130 .
The juridical form of SYENSQO is Naamloze vennootschap.
The legal situation of SYENSQO is Normale toestand.
The annual revenue of SYENSQO is €239,206,248.
SYENSQO specializes in developing innovative technological solutions for the healthcare industry. The company focuses on creating software and hardware that enhance patient care and streamline medical processes. Its products are designed to improve efficiency and ensure better health outcomes through advanced data analytics and automation.
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