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Financial statements Financial statement 2009

Income Statement Financial year Preceding financial year
Operating income
Gross margin € 192,620 € 207,936
Stock of work in progress and finished goods and contracts in progress: increase (decrease)
Fixed assets produced
Other operating income
Operating expenses
Trade goods, raw and auxiliary materials
Stock: decrease (increase)
Services and miscellaneous goods
Remuneration, social security charges and pensions € 101,835 € 105,578
Depreciation and amortization of formation expenses, intangible and tangible assets € 65,779 € 50,574
Write-downs on inventories, contracts in progress and trade receivables: additions (reversals)
Provisions for liabilities and charges: additions (uses and reversals)
Other operating expenses € 2,575 € 26,704
Non-recurring operating expenses
Operating profit (Operating loss) € 22,431 € 25,080
Financial returns
Recurring financial income € 3,179 € 2,858
Income from current assets
Other financial income
Non-recurring financial income
Financial costs
Recurring financial costs € 9,636 € 11,978
Cost of debt
Write-downs on current assets other than inventories, contracts in progress and trade receivables: additions (reversals)
Other financial costs
Non-recurring financial charges
Profit (Loss) for the year before taxes € 1,729 € 15,960
Withdrawal from deferred taxes
Income taxes € 2,779 € 4,167
Regularization of taxes and reversal of provisions for taxes
Profit (Loss) for the fiscal year € -1,050 € 11,793
Withdrawal from tax-exempt reserves
Profit (loss) for the year to be appropriated € -1,050 € 11,793
Results processing Financial year Preceding financial year
Profit (loss) to be appropriated
Profit (loss) for the year to be appropriated € -1,050 € 11,793
Profit (loss) carried forward from the previous fiscal year
Addition to equity € 600
Accumulated profits losses € -1,015 € 35
Profit to be distributed
Assets Financial year Preceding financial year
Intangible fixed assets € 233
Tangible fixed assets € 177,867 € 160,119
Land buildings € 1,440 € 2,235
Plant machinery equipment € 47,408 € 40,835
FUrniture vehicles € 123,185 € 112,408
Other tangible assets € 5,835 € 4,640
Assets under construction and prepayments
Financial fixed assets € 283 € 283
Affiliated financial fixed assets
Other financial fixed assets
Shares and units
Receivables and cash guarantees
CURRENT ASSETS € 111,300 € 93,695
Non-current receivables
Other receivables
Inventories and orders in progress € 10,347 € 7,717
Stocks € 10,347 € 7,717
Orders in progress
Receivables due within one year € 85,098 € 69,728
Trade receivables € 73,168 € 53,407
Other receivables € 11,931 € 16,321
Money investments
Own shares
Other investments
Cash and cash equivalents € 15,855 € 6,050
Accrued expenses € 10,200
ASSETS € 289,451 € 254,329
Liabilities Financial year Preceding financial year
EQUITY € 46,719 € 50,309
Equity contribution
Capital € 38,592 € 38,592
Issues capital € 55,800 € 55,800
Outside capital
Issue premiums
Revaluation capital gains
Reserves € 1,520 € 1,520
Unavailable reserves
Legal reserve € 1,520 € 1,520
Purchase of own shares
Other reserves
Tax-free reserves
Available reserves
Accumulated profits losses € -1,015 € 35
Investment grants € 7,622 € 10,162
Provisions for risks and costs
Pensions and similar obligations
Other risks and costs
Deferred taxes
Amounts payable € 242,732 € 204,020
Non-current liabilities € 74,859 € 62,236
Financial debts € 74,859 € 62,236
Unsubordinated debentures
Credit Institutions
Other loans
Amounts payable within one year € 167,873 € 141,784
Financial debts € 16,827 € 7,226
Credit Institutions
Other loans
Trade debts payables € 70,650 € 59,944
Suppliers € 70,650 € 59,944
Prepayments on orders
Liabilities related to taxes, remuneration and social security contributions € 31,468 € 32,802
Taxes € 9,108 € 19,049
Remuneration and social charges € 22,360 € 13,753
Other liabilities € 1,400
Accrued expenses
TOTAL LIABILITIES € 289,451 € 254,329

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